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222 Pure-Air™ Lights Work As We Work, Meet Or Relax.


222 Pure-Air™ is a disinfection lighting system that inactivates viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces. It is safe for human exposure.

In the face of the Covid19 pandemic Businesses and Organisations have had to get used to a “Stop start” way of operating, often unsure if the many changes they’re making to their premises are the right steps to keep their workforce, their customers, their patients or their students safe. It’s an uncertain time to be an owner of kind of enclosed space in which people gather or frequent. One thing that is certain though, is that 222 Pure-Air™ light systems safely work on inactivating bacteria and viruses on surfaces and in the air, as people work, meet or relax. In a world in which enclosed premises pose a new threat, organisations can offer maximum safety and minimise the risk of spreading infection, with 222 Pure-Air™.


The Challenge: Is UVC Far Lighting Safe?


UVC lighting has been used as a means to sterilise certain workspaces for over 40 years. It’s most popular application in the past 40 years has been in the Medical Sector, as a means to thoroughly disinfect operating theatres, infectious disease wards and other spaces where a sterile environment is crucial to patient safety. Until now the disadvantage with UVC lighting is that, the wave length (254nm) used to inactivate bacteria and viruses is also damaging to the human skin and eyes. This has meant that staff and patients could not be present in these spaces during the sterilising process and that key workplaces utilising UVC technology could be “Out of service” for hours or even days.

222 Pure-air™ offers a UVC disinfection solution, which inactivates bacteria and viruses. The genius of our disinfection light is in the name! Through rigorous testing and research, it has been shown that the wavelength 222nm efficiently inactives virus and bacteria, without being harmful to human skin or eyes. This means that our disinfection lighting can work on killing viruses and bacteria in a space, while that space is still in use. By utilising 222 Pure-air™  disinfection systems, we can work meet or relax together, with minimal risk of infection to one another.


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How 222 Pure-Air™ Works.

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Extensive clinical studies and trials by leading experts have shown that Wavelength 222nm is safe for direct human exposure as outlined in the EU regulations for UVC usage in occupied areas.

While proving to be as efficient as UV 254nm wavelength, which is commonly used for disinfection but not safe for human exposure, UV Wavelength 222nm cannot penetrate human skin and eyes and has shown to be safe for use when people are present.


Safety Tested

Business Applications

Fast Acting

Scientifically Proven

Have Questions? Contact Us Today.


Businesses and Organisations

If you’re a business or organisation interested in installing 222 Pure-Air™ lighting products on your premises, as part of Covid19 compliance, or have queries about 222 Pure-Air™ Range, contact us today.


Our Distributors

Woodside House, Tombrick,

Ballycarney, Co. Wexford


+353 1 8061871



Robertson House 49 Grange Avenue
Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Dublin D13 H2N2




Ian Loader

UK Exclusive Sales Agent




If you are interested in becoming a distributor, visit our become a distributor page here.